Ushering in Winter: Delhi Ice Rink is Assembled for the Season!

The Delhi Ice Rink is up for the season! Thanks to the many helping hands who assembled the rink including Dave Kryston and his NECA students, Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Amy Randal. Their collaborative effort brought the ice rink to life at 2 Sheldon Drive across the street from the Delaware Academy Middle School.

The Delhi Ice Skating Rink operates with the dedication of volunteers and is open to the community when ice conditions permit. Rink conditions and news will be posted on News Around Delhi and What’s Up Delhi with updates available on Ice Skating Delhi NY if volunteers take up the charge to keep the facebook page current. 

Complimentary skates are available in various sizes in the shed by the rink and bathrooms will be available whenever the volunteers are around to unlock them (usually on Saturdays & Sundays). On weekends, when ice conditions are good, there is often a bonfire and hot chocolate available to those at the rink! 

Drive by the rink anytime if you are curious about the conditions and make sure to get some skating in this winter season!

Photo courtesy of Rick Ackerly