Announcing the New Chamber Membership Platform

We are beginning to use a new platform to manage Chamber Membership. This platform will allow us to track membership, accept membership payments and provide each member with a profile that you can edit at any time. You can add images, update business information, and add events. We will be switching over to the event calendar that is hosted through the same platform on January 1, 2024.  

If you have already signed up as a member we have a profile started for you. This means you can Request a Password on the website. If this isn’t the case, please email us at

Below learn how to Sign-In to your account and how to Add New Events. If questions arise, please email us at

-Go to

-Click on OUR MEMBERS on the top navigation bar (If using a smartphone, find the navigation drop down menu on the top right) 


-Notice a request for your email address and password. If you do not have a password set up, click REQUEST PASSWORD.

-Check your email and follow the steps for password setup.

-Return to the MEMBER LOG IN page and access your account. 

Members have the ability to add their own events to the Event Calendar. There are two ways to add new events. 

Option One: 

-First begin by signing into your account

-Once signed in, you will see your Membership Area with multiple gray tabs: “About,” “Profile,” “Additional,” and “Events.” Click on EVENTS.

-On this tab you will see a “Click here” option. That link will bring you to the Add New Event form. Fill out the form with as much detail as possible and add catchy, beautiful images to draw attention. There is not an option for recurring events. You will need to enter your event multiple times for recurring dates.

Option Two: 

-First begin by signing into your account

-Once signed in, click on the EVENTS tab at the top of the website navigation. 

-Above the list of events you will click the gray “Add New Event” button.

-Fill out the form with as much detail as possible and add catchy, beautiful images to draw attention. There is not an option for recurring events. You will need to enter your event multiple times for recurring dates.

You will also start to receive automatic emails from the platform when membership is set to renew. You can choose to pay for one year and/or set up automatic renewal. 

We are excited to introduce this new platform in hopes of having the most up to date information about all the members and additional tools to promote the business community and area. 

If you have any questions, please contact