Delhi Fair on the Square

Every Friday in July!

The Delhi Fair on the Square is one of our most cherished summer traditions of our area. This event, now in its 50th year, celebrates the local arts, crafts, food, and music of the region. It is about community and fun. Held every Friday from 5-9pm, there is no shortage of activities on the lush green lawn of Courthouse Square.

While we will be announcing the weekly activities here, we want to urge everyone to leave Friday evenings free so you can attend. Meet the vendors in their colorful tents, offering handmade pottery, jewelry, paintings, quilts, candles, and more. Smell the aroma of freshly grilled burgers and other delicious treats that will be available each evening. You will hear the sounds of live music, from bluegrass to rock, filling the air with joy and energy. You’ll see people of all ages and backgrounds enjoying the festive atmosphere, chatting with friends, dancing, playing games, or just relaxing. It is an incredible sight to see kids just roaming free, having the time of their lives. It is one of the many things that makes this event so special.

While the full schedule of events is not yet available, we do know there will be a kick off parade on July 7th to celebrate 50 years of this special event. There will also be fireworks on the 7th at dusk, rain date would be the following Friday should Mother Nature not cooperate.

Check back here or the organizers Facebook to find out all the latest information.

Come spend every Friday in July in Delhi!

Photos courtesy of Delhi Fair on the Square.