How to Promote an Event

We wanted to take a minute to let our members know how to go about promoting an event that you are hosting. As board members and those active in the Chamber, we currently get phone calls, text messages, messages through Facebook, messages through Instagram, people stopping us on the street. We are not able to keep track of the volume of requests and information you are sharing so we’d love to tell you how we can best help you.

Follow these steps to get your event on our radar:

Option #1— Submit your event to our EVENTS calendar.

Our calendar can be updated by you directly. We are alerted when an event is submitted. This allows us to approve your event and then promote it through our social media and/or wherever appropriate.

Click here to find our EVENTS listing page and go to the upper right hand corner and click SUBMIT EVENT.

We suggest you also do the same for the County tourism site which can be found here.

Option #2— Tag us in your Instagram Post

If you are an Instagram user, the easiest way for us to share information about your event is for you to create an Instagram POST that we can easily share. Include us by using @visitdelhiNY or tag us #visitdelhiny. We search both often, we will find your post and we will share it if appropriate.

Option #3— Send an email

Provide all the details that we will need including an image or graphic to Sending us just the name and the date of the event is not enough. Full details are required in order for us to promote properly.

Following these methods over text or messages on other platforms will allow us to do a better job promoting. As always, the more time you give us to promote the event, the better.