Taste of the Catskills

The Taste of the Catskills Festival is a family-friendly event that showcases the food, beer, crafts, and wine of our region. With a variety of vendors including farmers, value-added food producers, and restaurants, attendees learn how food travels from farm to fork during a fun-filled autumn weekend on the grounds of Maple Shade Farm, a family-run farm in Delhi.

Saturday’s events will culminate with a harvest dinner paired with craft beer, prepared entirely from local ingredients. Weather permitting, there will be a bonfire during the day.

There are lots of kid’s activities each day. The activities will highlight life on the farm. The Catskill Puppets are on the grounds both days with their larger than life creations. Arm-of-the-Sea Theater will be presenting a preview of their brand new show on Saturday.

Workshops each day teach attendees tricks for farming, cooking, brewing, and vintning.
